Capacitors are often used in some electronic products, but the capacitors they use are different. The startup capacitor and the running capacitor Z are two commonly used capacitors. Although they are both capacitors, there are obvious differences between the two. However, whether the startup capacitor is burned out or the running capacitor is burned out, it will affect the normal operation of the electronic device, so when operating these electronic devices, you must also learn how to judge whether the capacitor is burned out.
The states of the starting capacitor and the running capacitor are different. The starting capacitor works at the moment when the motor starts. After the motor starts, it will have a separation switch to disconnect and enter the stop state, while the running capacitor starts to work after the motor starts. , he needs to participate in the operation of the motor together with the start coil. The difference in capacity is also an important difference between the starting capacitor and the running capacitor. The capacity of the starting capacitor is relatively large, about 200 microfarads, and the capacity of the running capacitor is relatively small, and the capacity is mostly between 20 and 30 microfarads.
The functions of the starting capacitor and the running capacitor are also different. The main function of the starting capacitor is to ensure that the starting coil of the motor is in the process of starting, and the fast channel will be cut off directly after starting, while the running capacitor plays a role in the running process of the motor. The function of capacitor compensation, the running capacitor in the motor may not exist or not be used, but the starting capacitor is an indispensable existence, that is to say, there is an important difference in importance between the two.
Whether it is the starting capacitor or the running capacitor, there is a possibility of being burned, so when using some electrical equipment, you should learn how to judge whether the capacitor is burned out. If you find that the outer casing of the capacitor has been deformed or expanded, it means that its internal It has been seriously damaged and should be replaced with a new capacitor in time. A capacitor with normal function will not emit any sound during the working process. If it feels that the capacitor has an abnormal sound during the working process, it means that its internal failure has occurred, and it needs to be repaired after it stops working. If there is no maintenance value, you can replace the capacitor with a new one. If the capacitor bursts or has fuel injection when it is working under high voltage, it means that there has been a problem with its internal insulating medium. Based on this phenomenon, it is necessary to determine that the capacitor has been burned out, and the burned capacitor should be recovered and stored. Replace with a new one of the same type and capacity.